Like millions of Americans, we are certainly happy to see 2016 fade to memories. There were many issues in the global, national and personal arenas that were very challenging for everyone. We will certainly welcome the first day of January 2017 with open arms.

Teachers are refreshed from the stress of lesson plans, grading and standardized tests. Students look forward to forgotten peer conflicts and low grades on tests. And parents…they are simply happy for their children to go back to school.

In 2016, the constant barrage of negative news stories left the impression that the future is already written. We should not accept 2016 as “the new normal”. As we set our resolutions for 2017, it is important to remember that the word “resolve” merely means to decide on a plan of action. The goal for the new year is not about being perfect, but actually taking the first step.

Inequity, inequality and injustice thrive when people ignore the plight of their neighbors. Our children deserve more. For the coming year take the first step to show children that they are not helpless and their futures matters.